Backend API for
Gets the current UTC timestamp, if all goes well.
Gets all features, along with their sub-features and feature items.
Gets all top-level features without their description but with a pagination summary
Gets a feature
Gets a summary for a feature, with pagination info
Gets the specified feature item, including its examples and their respective modules
Gets the latest release and prerelease tags, including installer asset downloads
Gets the supplied code, indented as per specified settings
Gets a default indenter settings view model
Searches features and feature items for filtered content
Parses supplied VBA code and returns it formatted with HTML markup
Gets the current UTC timestamp, but should return HTTP 401 from this page
Creates a new feature (or sub-feature), or updates an existing one
Deletes the specified feature (or sub-feature)
Creates a new feature item, or updates an existing one
Deletes the specified feature item
Gets the latest release and pre-release tags from GitHub, downloads xmldoc assets, processes the feature items - method returns immediately